Big Hoof Foundation
501(c)3 non-profit orginization rescuing "Big Hoof" Horses.
Giving Gentle Giants a new rein on life!
EIN# 92-0618011 ​
The Big Hoof Foundation is dedicated to saving Draft Horses that have spent their entire lives working only to be neglected or abused when they can no longer work and are eventually sold to slaughter or abandoned to perish.
The Big Hoof Foundation works to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home these beautiful gentle giants to nurturing pastures while advocating for more humane treatment of the draft breeds through information and enlightenment.
By saving abandoned Draft Horses we are providing them a loving, humane environment free from pain and suffering as well as restoring their trust in humanity.
The specific objectives and purpose of this organization shall be:
To rescue, rehabilitate and rehome Draft horses.
To provide a facility where no animal will endure the pain and suffering caused by a life of abuse, neglect or abandonment by giving the horses the proper medical care required to live a healthy life.
To sponsor or host events that promote awareness of the neglect and abuse of the Draft Horse Breed.
To create an equine therapy program to assist people suffering with mental illness.
To bring awareness to the community about horses being released into a slow feral death or dropped at a dealer who sends them to auction then slaughter.
To form relationships, share information and work towards a collaborative effort to
solve problems that lead to the inhumane treatment of these big hoofed gentle giants.